Blacktop Repair After Harsh Winter
- At April 23, 2014
- By coach
- In Crack Fill, Driveway Maintenance, Sealcoating
Spring is finally here and we are trying to forget about the particularly harsh winter that just ended. But first we need to consider the damages that it had on our blacktop driveways and parking lots.
The freeze-thaw cycle is exactly what it sounds like. When water penetrates asphalt cracks in the winter, it freezes and expands, widening cracks, before thawing. Over the past harsh winter this freeze-thaw cycle happened numerous times. Harming your blacktop surface from the inside out. This results in a premature asphalt failure.
In addition to the freeze-thaw cycle, snow plows can cause blacktop damage. Snow plow drivers cannot always see what lies beneath the blanket of snow. As a result plows may cause asphalt damages that are unavoidable under the winter conditions we experience in this area.
The best way to avoid problems caused by these extreme winter conditions is to stay ahead of your blacktop repairs. Our services can save you thousands of dollars on repavement costs in the future. Be sure to visit our Commercial Sealcoating page for more information on parking lot repair, or visit our Residential Sealcoating page to learn about our driveway sealcoating and repair. Also remember we offer hot crack filling!