Blacktop Repair After Harsh Winter
- At April 23, 2014
- By coach
- In Crack Fill, Driveway Maintenance, Sealcoating
Spring is finally here and we are trying to forget about the particularly harsh winter that just ended. But first we need to consider the damages that it had on our blacktop driveways and parking lots.
The freeze-thaw cycle is exactly what it sounds like. When water penetrates asphalt cracks in the winter, it freezes and expands, widening cracks, before thawing. Over the past harsh winter this freeze-thaw cycle happened numerous times. Harming your blacktop surface from the inside out. This results in a premature asphalt failure.
In addition to the freeze-thaw cycle, snow plows can cause blacktop damage. Snow plow drivers cannot always see what lies beneath the blanket of snow. As a result plows may cause asphalt damages that are unavoidable under the winter conditions we experience in this area.
The best way to avoid problems caused by these extreme winter conditions is to stay ahead of your blacktop repairs. Our services can save you thousands of dollars on repavement costs in the future. Be sure to visit our Commercial Sealcoating page for more information on parking lot repair, or visit our Residential Sealcoating page to learn about our driveway sealcoating and repair. Also remember we offer hot crack filling!
Gutters Help Your Blacktop Too
- At June 19, 2013
- By coach
- In Driveway Maintenance
Weather works against your driveway or parking lot. This is why it is important to keep up with your asphalt sealcoating. But, maintaing your gutters can also help extend the life of your blacktop.
Keeping you gutters clean or installing gutters can extend the life of your driveway and your driveway sealcoating. Water constantly dripping on the same spot will prematurely erode your driveway in that area. The dripping water will act as a drill bit and bore a hole in your driveway or parking lot.
Collaborate Sealcoating and Landscaping
- At May 03, 2013
- By coach
- In Driveway Maintenance, Sealcoating
Driveway sealcoating helps to extend the life of your blacktop driveway. But driveway sealcoating also helps to give your home a clean look. An excellent time to have your driveway or parking lot sealcoated is after your mulch and other landscaping is completed. This gives your driveway or parking lot a good cleaning and prevents the landscape materials from staining your asphalt. A professional driveway sealcoat will put the final touch on dressing up your home. You may want to consider hot crack fill or asphalt repairs early to get the most out of your driveway this season.
Picking The Right Sealcoating and Asphalt Repair Contractor
When selecting a sealcoating or blacktop repair contractor for maintaining your parking lot or driveway, besides price you should consider these other factors: Does the sealcoating or blacktop repair contractor have the necessary resources to be able to handle all phases of the blacktop project? Have they done sealcoating projects similar to yours that you can verify with a reference? Do they carry they proper insurances (liability, workers comp, & commercial auto)?
Of course price is a huge factor when selecting a residential sealcoater or commercial sealcoating specialist, however how much will it cost to correct the work performed by a sealcoating or hot crack fill contractor who was not the right guy for the job?
With over 13 years of sealcoating and blacktop repair experience, CW Sealcoating knows what it takes to care for your parking lot or driveway. We use our experience to your advantage, considering all angles of asphalt maintenance. CW Sealcoating has perfected the formula for professional sealcoating.
Danger of Door to Door Driveway Beggars
- At August 10, 2012
- By coach
- In Driveway Maintenance, General Repairs
Be weary of pavement contractors who go door to door. Usually these contractors offer a drastically reduced price if services are performed that day. This doesn’t allow you time to look into or research this company.
You should ask yourself several questions… If this company’s work is so good, why arent they booked for the day? How can they perform the work for so little compared to other bids you may have received? Granted doing multiple jobs on one street allows for some cost saving but does that cover the discount being offered or are they using inadequate materials? If there is an issue with the work performed will they stand behind there work? Will I even be able to reach them?
Generally a reputable sealcoating or asphalt repair company will consider doing additional work if approached by a neighbor, if time and materials allow, however they will not solicit the neighbors in a door to door campaign.
Removing Ice From Your Blacktop in the Wintertime
- At January 06, 2012
- By coach
- In Driveway Maintenance, Snow Removal
Chopping ice that has built up on your driveway in the winter can be very harmful. Should you gouge your blacktop in the process, you may have created an opening for water to penetrate and cause future failure to that part of your asphalt. Should you have an ice build up, apply the deicing agent of your choice, allow it to work for a period of time and then attempt to scrape the ice off. At worst this method will only scratch your coat of sealer. This is what the sealer intended for, to take the abuse and protect your driveway.
Driveway Sealcoating Doesn’t Like Chemicals
- At September 03, 2011
- By coach
- In Driveway Maintenance, Sealcoating
Always keep in mind that certain chemicals are extremely hazardous to you driveway. Anytime oil, gas or other chemicals leak or spill on your driveway you should do everything you can to soak it up, clean it or at the very least dilute it as much as possible. For more Information or assistance feel free to contact us.
Quick fix to protect your driveway
- At August 16, 2011
- By coach
- In Driveway Maintenance, Sealcoating
You can ware ruts into your driveway by consistently driving or parking In the same spots. When you pull in to park, try to switch up your path. Even just a few inches difference will drastically increase your driveways life.
Think About Your Trees When Scheduling Sealcoating
- At June 09, 2011
- By coach
- In Driveway Maintenance, Sealcoating
If your driveway has a lot of tree coverage you need to be very particular about getting your driveway sealed. You want to make sure that you get your sealcoating scheduled when your trees are not dropping any whirlybirds, berries and definitely before the leaves begin to change. These dropping will certainly stick to the wet sealer and end up part of your driveway.
How To Protect Your Driveway From Dents
- At June 09, 2011
- By coach
- In Driveway Maintenance
On really hot days please keep in mind that your driveway is a malleable surface. A motorcycle kick stand, trailer leg or anything else that’s puts a lot of weight on a single point can actually sink into your driveway and damage it. Anytime you have to park these items on your driveway put a board under it to protect your driveway.